
Salary vs Dividends: Which is better?

This is the third post in our series for incorporated people about salary vs dividends. The first part can be found here. The second part is here. In previous blog posts [ here and here ] we’ve discussed the tax implications for an owner paying themselves via a salary vs dividends. But there are other [...]

Salary vs Dividends: How to pay less tax?

This is the second post in our series for incorporated people about salary vs dividends. The first part can be found here. Taxes are usually the main consideration when a corporation's owner is deciding whether to pay themselves a salary, dividends, or some combination of the two. Some people believe that for tax purposes dividends [...]

Salary vs Dividends: What’s the difference?

This is the first post in our series for incorporated people about salary vs dividends. Salaries and dividends seem similar from the outside perspective of the person receiving money. However they are conceptually very different from one another from the inside, i.e. from the corporation’s internal accounting perspective. Begin with the most basic calculation of [...]

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