Home/Tag:how to register for GST

How to Register for the GST or HST

It’s easy to register for the GST or HST. Before you pick up the phone, however, be clear on how often you want to file returns (monthly, quarterly or annually) and how often you want to remit (pay) your GST/HST. Usually you can also choose the date that your registration begins, which can affect the [...]

By |April 25th, 2017|Two Minute Tax Tips, Videos|Comments Off on How to Register for the GST or HST

GST/HST In One (More) Sentence

©iStock/stockstudioX Okay. I may have oversold that last tip, since clearly this explanation of GST/HST is longer than one sentence. But hopefully it’s still making sense, which is more than we can say for most things in this world. If you’re still with me, read on…I promise it won’t hurt a bit. [...]

GST/HST Explained in One Sentence

©iStock/paprikaa Here, for the first time on any stage, the amazing stunt of explaining the entire system of GST-HST in Canada in a single sentence! As I answer clients' questions, peruse our great nation’s major newspapers, and fall down the rabbithole of Facebook posts, I encounter so many misconceptions about the GST/HST [...]

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